About Me

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Dowtown Herriman
When you are in love, why not be an eternal family

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Since everybody else is...

I just got done having lunch with my two oldest friends, Scotty and Travis. I have known them since like 5th grade. I am so grateful to still be friends with such great guys, Love 'em!

They told me I was like the last person 'to be a blogger" so I thought I would join the year 2009 and start this.

By the way, or should I say "BTW," I do have a twitter for all you Tweeps out there. Follow me at www.twitter.com/landonfitz

Me and my wonderful, beautiful wife have been married since 01/26/08, best day of my life!

She is my world!

Just bought a townhome in Herriman. We have great views from our bedroom window of both the South Jordan Temples (we did the open house last, it is AMAZING!)

My wonderful wife suprised me for my birthday and got me a dog! Its not too late for anyone reading this get me a present, my birthdat is June 28th, mark your calanders. My pup is a 7 week old Bassett Hound named Walter. He is just learing to poo and pee in his kennell, so thats nice to clean up at 3am. But at least it isnt on the carpet. And we have a cat named Sebastian. Bastain Boy and Walt love to roll and play and fight and play!

We treat them like our kids because I am yet able to convince Hayley that I am old and mature enough to actually have kids. I am sure it will happen soon, but if you see my wife, please vouch for me!


  1. Im excited to be the first one to comment on your new blog.
    Starting a blog is easy. Keeping it updated is the hard part.

  2. oh...looks like i am the 2nd to comment..

    Boo ya!! love the blog!!
